# ============================================================================= # This is a template for non-spam (VIRUS,...) ADMINISTRATOR NOTIFICATIONS. # For syntax and customization instructions see README.customize. # Long header fields will be automatically wrapped by the program. # Date: %d From: %f Subject: [? [:ccat|major] |Clean mail|Clean mail|MTA-blocked mail|\ OVERSIZED mail|INVALID HEADER in mail|spam|SPAM|UNCHECKED contents in mail|\ BANNED contents (%F) in mail|VIRUS (%V) in mail]\ FROM [?%l||LOCAL ][?%a||\[%a\] ][?%s|<>|[?%o|(?)|%s]] To: [? %#T |undisclosed-recipients:;|[<%T>|, ]] [? %#C |#|Cc: [<%C>|, ]] Message-ID: [? %#V |No viruses were found. |A virus was found: %V |Two viruses were found:\n %V |%#V viruses were found:\n %V ] [? %#F |#|[:wrap|78|| |Banned [?%#F|names|name|names]: %F]] [? %#X |#|Bad header:[\n[:wrap|78| | |%X]]] [? %#W |#\ |Scanner detecting a virus: %W |Scanners detecting a virus: %W ] Content type: [:ccat|name|main]# [? [:ccat|is_blocked_by_nonmain] ||, blocked for [:ccat|name]] Internal reference code for the message is %n/%i [? %a |#|[:wrap|78|| |First upstream SMTP client IP address: \[%a\] %g]] [? %e |#|[:wrap|78|| |According to a 'Received:' trace,\ the message originated at: \[%e\], %t]] [? %s |#|[:wrap|78|| |Return-Path: %s]] # [~[:header_field|Authentication-Results]|["\\b(?i)(domainkeys|dkim)=pass\\b"]|\ ["[? [:header_field|From] |#|[:wrap|78|| |From: [:header_field|From]]] [? [:header_field|Sender] |#|[:wrap|78|| |Sender: [:header_field|Sender]]] [:wrap|78|| |Authentication-Results: [:header_field|Authentication-Results]] "]]# [? [:useragent] |#|[:wrap|78|| |[:useragent]]] [? %m |#|[:wrap|78|| |Message-ID: %m]] [? %r |#|[:wrap|78|| |Resent-Message-ID: %r]] [? %j |#|[:wrap|78|| |Subject: %j]] [? %q |Not quarantined.|The message has been quarantined as: %q] [? %#S |Notification to sender will not be mailed. ]# [? %#D |#|The message WILL BE relayed to:[\n%D] ] [? %#N |#|The message WAS NOT relayed to:[\n%N] ] [? %#V |#|[? %#v |#|Virus scanner output:[\n %v] ]]